Poverty and Education Network event: Highlighting recent research into poverty and education – session 2

Highlighting Recent Research into Poverty and Education

The SERA Poverty and Education Network is presenting resents two events that highlight some of the current research being conducted by network members on the impact of poverty on education in Scotland. Both events will provide short inputs from four speakers to initiate discussion.

The details of the second of these events is as follows:

Date: Thursday 18th March, 2021

Time: 4:00-5:00pm


Chair: John McKendrick

Speaker 1: Stephen McKinney (University of Glasgow)

Young Carers and Covid-19

The presentation focusses on Young carers and the serious challenges they have faced during the lockdowns and restrictions.


Speaker 2: Katie Hunter (University of Strathclyde)

Widening the gap? The challenges for equitable music education in Scotland

This session draws on recent research to argue that access to music in school is becoming an almost exclusively middle-class privilege.


Speaker 3: Lindsay Macdougall (University of Aberdeen)

Developing inclusive practices through intra-professional working: insights from probationer teachers working in high poverty school environments.

By identifying and making visible what is possible for probationer teachers to do, in terms of enacting inclusive pedagogy, this short talk highlights the importance of developing intra-professional working to help bridge the principles of inclusive pedagogy with probationer teachers’ classroom practices.


Speaker 4: Stephen McKinney (University of Glasgow), Stuart Hall and Kevin Lowden (ROC, University of Glasgow)

Digital exclusion and School Education

This presentation explores the impact of digital exclusion on both pupils and teachers during the Covid-19 period.

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Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

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