Health and Wellbeing Research in Education Network

Our Network

In Scotland and around the world, educational settings are becoming increasingly responsible for supporting and nurturing children and young people’s health and wellbeing – as well as developing their skills and knowledge for health and wellbeing. This responsibility is influencing the research landscape in Scotland, where there is a growing interest by teachers, teacher educators, academics, policy makers and other stakeholders for conducting and engaging in health and wellbeing research. This SERA network provides a forum to support the dissemination of this research by connecting all key stakeholders who have an interest in health and wellbeing both within and beyond the Scottish context. The Health and Wellbeing Research in Education Network (HREN) will provide a forum to discuss and debate current issues and research in health and wellbeing, creating a platform for the development of high quality, interdisciplinary and impactful research.  Currently, members of the Health and Wellbeing Research in Education Network have an interest in research related to the concept of health and wellbeing, including (but not limited to): curriculum, pedagogy, physical education, physical activity and sport, and teacher learning. At the heart of this research is a focus on equity and inclusion.

We aim:

  • To provide networking, professional development and knowledge exchange opportunities for teachers, teacher educators, academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, policy makers and other key stakeholders.
  • To disseminate and make accessible health and wellbeing research with a range of educational stakeholders within and beyond the Scottish context.

Network Activities

All future updates can be found in the SERA Latest section of this website under the HWB in Education Network category.


December 3rd: Sponsored the SERA HWB Network Student Fair (University of Stirling).

November 27th: SERA Conference Round Table Discussion about Health and Wellbeing in ITE.

May 9th: Pupil Voice in Health and Wellbeing- Online Panel Discussion.


November: Workshop at SERA Conference

September: SATPE Conference

June: Network Meeting at the University of Strathclyde

Contact Information

To find out more about the network and to join the network mailing list please contact either Nicola or Shirley.

Social Media 



Dr Nicola Carse, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh

Dr Shirley Gray, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh


Carse, N. and Gray, S. (2024) Transcending borders: teachers’ understanding of physical education across the UK. SERA Researching Education Bulletin Anniversary Edition 2. pp. 31-34.