Ethics in Education Network

Our Network

Ethics is a critical concept in education, with growing significance nationally and globally, as a discipline to be taught and as a philosophical determinant of practice for educators and policymakers. As we navigate global challenges of climate change, poverty, war, Artificial Intelligence and social injustice, we are compelled to consider what is plausible, moral, and permissible, according to ethical codes to which we hold ourselves accountable. If we render current generations responsible for a sustainable global future, we must consider how moral and ethical responsibility is understood, practiced and taught across our education systems.

The aim of this new network, established in January 2024, is to develop and enhance understanding and application of ethics in education, through exploration of the theory/research/practice intersections around:

  • Teaching ethics
  • Global challenges: educational responses for ethical futures
  • Ethical procedures in research
  • Ethical dilemmas of 21st century educational leadership
  • Ethics in assessment practices
  • Ethics of AI in education
  • Ethics for school practitioners

Ethics is interdisciplinary, intersecting the work of other networks, with specific connections to Leadership, Poverty, Teacher Education, Inclusion and Technology, that we look forward to exploring. We invite all those with a concern for ethics in education to join this network and contribute to deeper understanding of ethical concepts and their application during current and future educational challenges.

We particularly welcome researchers or practitioners from underrepresented groups in Scottish Education, including BAME and LGBTQ+ SERA members.

Network Activities


November 27-29th SERA Conference: Network Presentation to share the network’s work and aspirations.

November 27-29th SERA Conference: Round Table led by members of the network, focusing on contemporary challenges for researching ethics in education

October 3rd: The Ethics of Assessment in Education. Focused on provocations from UGEAN colleagues. Exploring the moral justifications, challenges, and principles in education assessment. Questioning how the SERA research community can contribute to the future of assessment and qualifications that are ethical and equitable.

June 12th Launch Event: Panel discussion from Professor Bruce Adamson (School of Law, University of Glasgow), Seonaidh Black (Headteacher at Bannerman High School in Glasgow), Dr Sharon Hunter (Lecturer in Education at the University of Strathclyde) and Vikki Robertson (Standards Education Officer at the General Teaching Council for Scotland).

Contact Information

For general enquiries, please contact Alison or Aileen.

To be updated on our activities, please join our mailing list here.

Social Media 



Alison Mitchell, University of Glasgow

Professor Aileen Kennedy, University of Glasgow


Mitchell, A. and Kennedy, A. (2024) Exploring ethical imperatives in partnership: the development of a SERA Network. SERA Researching Education Bulletin Anniversary Edition 2. pp. 13-20.