NERA/NFPF 2017 Competition

In order to further enhance the relationship between the two associations, NERA has kindly offered SERA favorable conditions for the 2017 NERA conference in Copenhagen  by agreeing that up to three SERA members can participate in the NERA conference without registration fee. In addition, SERA will make a contribution towards travel and accommodation up to a maximum of £500.

SERA is holding a competition for up to three papers to be presented at NERA 2017. The competition is open to all SERA members and entry is by submission of abstracts for blind peer review. In the first instance, abstracts should be submitted to  The deadline for submission is mid-day, 12:00pm Friday 25 November 2016. The winning submissions will be forwarded to NERA. Abstracts should be composed in line with NERA guidelines:

Abstract Guidelines

These guidelines encompass the proposals for paper presentations, symposia, posters and roundtables.

A NERA proposal for presentation must be written in English, have an abstract of 500 words or less and should include the following sections:

  • Research topic/aim
  • Theoretical framework
  • Methodology/research design
  • Expected conclusions/findings
  • Relevance for Nordic educational research

NERA assumes that participating SERA members will give presentations (perhaps a symposium) on or related to Scottish education. Previous contact has mainly been to the NERA network on education policy studies, and SERA members are certainly welcome there, but other NERA networks may also be relevant. You can see the list here The theme of the conference is Learning and education – material conditions and consequences and the conference will be held in Copenhagen, 23-25 March 2017.

Notes for Editors

Issued by SERA
Directorate of External Relations, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Aberdeen
Tel: +44 (0)1224 272014

Issued on: 1st November 2016

Contact SERA

SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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