In Manchester in May 2020 will be the 11th annual TEAN conference. TEAN (teacher education advancement network) is an independent professional learning community for teacher educators across the UK, Europe and beyond
The conference is focused on critical evaluation of innovative practice and research in the education and professional development of teachers. Attending TEAN conference provides a powerful learning and networking experience for teacher educators, by which we mean all those with a significant formal role in the initial teacher education of the provision of continuing professional development for experienced teachers.
The conference will be held at the MacDonald Hotel in central Manchester on 6 & 7 of May 2020. The conference includes provocative keynote speakers, masterclasses and mini-keynotes by leading academics and a wide choice of poster and pitch and presentations. The draft conference programme is available on-line here
Our keynotes for TEAN conference 2020 are Professor Vini Lander on teacher education and diversity and Associate Professor Ian Thompson on teacher education and tackling social disadvantage. Masterclasses will be facilitated by leading researchers in the field of teacher education. The conference includes an integrated induction for new teacher educators with workshops by Professor Pete Boyd and Dr Liz white.
If you have an questions about the relevance of TEAN conference to your research, teaching or organisation then please contact the LED Event Manager Linda Shore
TEAN is an independent network led by an executive committee but is hosted by the LED Research Centre at the University of Cumbria.