Date: Monday 30th August, 2021
Time: 4pm-5pm
The publication for the OECD report, ‘Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence Into the Future’ looks likely to stimulate significant change in the Scottish education system. There has been much discussion about the balance between skills and knowledge in CfE, the misalignment between the senior phase exams and the underpinning philosophy of CfE, and of course, the structural governance of curriculum, examinations and inspections in Scotland. These changes clearly have implications for teacher education, at both initial and post-qualification stages, and the SERA Teacher Education Network is therefore keen to facilitate sector-wide discussion about what these implications might be, and how we might work together to address them. We are pleased to be able to host a discussion event focusing on these issues, and Pauline Stephen (Chief Executive, General Teaching Council for Scotland), David Smith (Chair, Scottish Council of Deans of Education) and Michael Wood (Secretary, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland) will join us to form a stakeholder panel. Following reflections from each of the panellists we will invite participants to offer questions and comments, engaging in debate about the implications for teacher education and how we might move things forward.
You can book your place here: