Understanding learners and learning: poverty and inclusion
31 May 2022, 10am-12:30pm
Building on the success of our first dedicated ITE event in 2021, the Scottish Educational
Research Association (SERA) are delighted to collaborate with the Scottish Council of Deans
of Education (SCDE) to host a second event on the theme of Poverty and Inclusion. Beginning
with a keynote by Professor Morag Redford, Head of Teacher Education, University of the
Highlands and Islands. The event then moved into a choice of one of two workshops led by
SERA Networks
Welcome and Introductions
Keynote on the theme of the influences of poverty and inclusion for learners and learning from
Prof Morag Redford, Head of Teacher Education at UHI.
Session 1: Developing Reflective Inclusive Practice using the National Framework for Inclusion
Host: SERA Inclusive Education Network
This workshop considered the role of inclusive practice as a cornerstone of Scottish education, and the role that all teachers have in meeting learners’ needs and upholding their rights. Using Inclusive Pedagogical Approaches in Action (IPAA) and the National Framework for Inclusion, participants were supported to consider how the IPAA principles and Framework reflective questions can support them in developing their inclusive practice
Session 2: Raising awareness of current issues in poverty and education
Host: SERA Poverty and Education Network Network
The Poverty and Education Network provided an overview of a number of key contemporary issues that affect children and young people and their learning. These included: food poverty; digital poverty; young carers, community approaches to tackling poverty and music education inequality. The workshop consisted of short presentations on these issues (and other issues) by researchers from throughout Scotland.