Anti-racist education: Possibilities and Challenges – SERA Inclusive Education Network Seminar

Colleagues from our Inclusive Education Network are hosting the above seminar next month. Full details are below:

Date: Thursday 7th November, 2024

Venue: Online, MS Teams (see this attachment for full details on how to join)

This webinar is for practitioners, students, researchers, and other stakeholders in education. There are two sessions in this webinar.

Presentation 1: Decolonising Religious and Moral Education in Scottish Non-Denominational School
Based on a policy brief produced for the Scottish Government’s Learning Analytical Services, the purpose of this presentation is to lay out the case for decolonising Religious and Moral Education (RME) offered in non-denominational schools.

Presenter: Dr Yonah Matemba, University of the West of Scotland

Presentation 2: Teacher Responses to Racially Motivated Bullying in Scotland

Teachers have a critical role in nurturing a safe and inclusive environment and preventing stigmatisation and oppression by intervening when a racially motivated bullying episode occurs, but also by actively developing an anti-racist climate within their school. This study investigates Scottish teachers’ strategies when they are confronted with a hypothetical racially motivated bullying incident in their school.

Presenter: Elisabeth Davies, Associate Lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland

Full details of both presentations as well as how to join can be accessed from this attachment: 

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Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

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