Anti-racist education: Possibilities and Challenges – SERA Inclusive Education Network Seminar

Colleagues from our Inclusive Education Network are hosting the above seminar next month. Full details are below: Date: Thursday 7th November, 2024 Venue: Online, MS Teams (see this attachment for full details on how to join) This webinar is for practitioners, students, researchers, and other stakeholders in education. There are two sessions in this webinar.

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English as an Additional Language (EAL) in the north: stories about supporting EAL pupils in the North East of Scotland.

Our Inclusive Education Network held a seminar back in April this year. Here are the details and the recording of the event. Date: Wednesday 17 April 2024, 4:00-5:30pm. Location: MS Teams Organisers: SERA Inclusive Education Network Speakers: Thomas Richardson, Silvia Fiddes Ortiz Perea, Sarah-Jane Bennison This webinar is for: practitioners, students, researchers, and other stakeholders

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‘Toys That Teach’ -Inclusive Education Network event

The SERA Inclusive Education Network will be hosting an online event in March. Full details below: Title: “Toys That Teach: Fostering Disability Representation and Inclusivity through Toybox Tales Chatty Pack” Date: Wednesday 6th March 2024, 4:00-5:30pm. Location: MS Teams Organisers: SERA Inclusive Education Network Speakers: Drs. Clare Uytman and Sian Jones are chartered psychologists, working

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Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students – hearing from the TEAMS project

In this presentation Dr Tom Richardson & Dr Natasa Pantic provide an overview of the ‘TEAMS’ project (Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students). In this 2020-2023 project, researchers gathered data from 7 schools in 3 countries (Scotland, Sweden and Finland) to map teachers’ and other school staff collaborative networks around supporting migrant students, both socially

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SERA Inclusive Education Network Event

Title: Promoting inclusion and equity in education: lessons from international experience Date: Tuesday 28 February 2023, 16:00- 17:30. Location: MS Teams Organisers: SERA Inclusive Education Network Speaker: Mel Ainscow CBE is Professor of Education, University of Glasgow, UK; Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Manchester, UK; and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

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#SERAconnects with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) – Initial Teacher Education connects event

Understanding learners and learning: poverty and inclusion 31 May 2022, 10am-12:30pm Building on the success of our first dedicated ITE event in 2021, the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) are delighted to collaborate with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) to host a second event on the theme of Poverty and Inclusion. Beginning

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Inclusive Education Network seminar: Mapping Inclusive Practice and Pedagogy in Scotland’s ITE courses

Mapping Inclusive Practice and Pedagogy in Scotland’s ITE courses Sate: Wednesday 23rd February 2022 Time: 4.30-5.30pm via Zoom Presenters: Dianne Cantali, University of Dundee; Prof. Lani Florian, University of Edinburgh, and Dr Archie Graham, University of Aberdeen Abstract Following the development of the National Framework for Inclusion (STEC, 2009 and updated 2014), the Scottish Universities Inclusion

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Inclusive Education Network Event: Teaching and learning in lockdown

Teaching and learning in lockdown Thursday 12th November, 2020 4:00pm-5:30pm This presentation concerns a research project inquiring about the lockdown experience of primary school teachers and Head Teachers in Scotland. In-depth interviews to 60 primary school educators were carried out by members of staff at the School of Education and Social Work at the University

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Inclusive Education Network launch event update

The launch event for the SERA Inclusive Education Network took place online on Tuesday 30 June 2020. The aim of this network is to provide professional development and knowledge exchange opportunities for researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders in Scottish education. Dr Margaret Sutherland and Dr George Head, University of Glasgow, led an interesting conversation

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SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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