SERA Conference 2021- programme of events

SERA Conference 2021- programme of events

Conference theme: International Themes in Education

*Please note that all our conference events will take place on Zoom. You can sign up for the events via the Eventbrite links below. The full programme of events for #seraconf21 can be downloaded here.

Monday 22nd November

Welcome and Keynote: Teacher Professionalism and Beginning Teachers

Dr Pauline Stephen, Chief Executive and Registrar GTCS

Time: 1600-1715

Tuesday 23rd November

1. Measuring Quality within Initial Teacher Education:  International reflections on the Scottish context

Hosted by our Teacher Education Network

Time: 0930-1100

Sign up for this event from this link


2. Conceptualisations of the Teacher Researcher

Hosted by our Theory and Philosophy Network

Time: 1300-1430


3. Leadership learning – COVID implications

Hosted by our LiSEN Network

Time: 1600-1730

Wednesday 24th November

1. Current issues in Poverty and Education in the UK

Hosted by our Poverty and Education Network

Time: 1400-1500

Sign up for this event from this link 


2. Interactive discussion

Hosted by our Early Career Researcher Network

Time: 1515-1615

Sign up for this event from this link


3. PE curriculum and pedagogy: European perspectives

Hosted by our PE Network

Time: 1600-1730

Thursday 25th November

1. The impact on and emotional wellbeing of early years practitioners working as keyworkers throughout the pandemic.

Hosted by our Early Years Network

Time: 0900-1000


2. Promoting equity, inclusion, and social justice in Scottish mathematics classrooms

Hosted by our Inclusive Education Network

Time: 1500-1600

Dr Constantinos Xenofontos from Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway delivered a presentation from his recent research on equity, inclusion, and social justice in Scottish mathematics classrooms. This online event was organised by the Inclusive Education Network for the 2021 SERA Conference.

Over the last 20 years, marginalisation in mathematics education has received considerable research interest, with different educational contexts adopting culture-specific lenses through which this is conceptualised and approached. Also, research on equitable mathematics teaching practices has mainly focused on “exceptionally equitable” teachers, at specific school levels. In Scotland, as with the rest of the UK, educational policies focus almost exclusively on social class, socioeconomic status, and poverty as the main marginalising variables. In this presentation I draw on interview data with “typical” early-years, elementary, and secondary teachers in Scotland, and explore perceptions of the causes of marginalisation and practices teachers consider equitable.



Our annual general meeting is open to all SERA members.

Time 1630-1745

SERA Executive members only sign up from this link