
Proposals for self-organised symposium are welcome. A symposium is a planned event lasting 60 minutes with between two and four individual contributions on a theme. If you are thinking of organising a symposium and are looking for collaborators, please get in touch with our network leads for advice. Symposia organisers are free to decide on how their symposium is run. They should provide a chairperson who will introduce the session and highlight relationships amongst the contributions. Symposia organizers should also provide a discussant to offer a critique of the whole symposium. The contact person identified on the proposal must act as a link between the conference organizers and other contributors. Proposals should include:

  • title of symposium;
  • name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address of the symposium organiser;
  • name of chairperson/discussant;
  • an outline of 200 words describing the purpose of symposium and relationship between papers.
  • symposium presenters;
  • 250-word abstracts for each paper in the symposium, including: title of paper, name(s), affiliation(s), contact email address, 4 keywords.

Each abstract should be structured to cover

  • aims;
  • methods;
  • main findings;
  • conclusions