Estelle Brisard Memorial Prize

Estelle Brisard worked in Scotland first as a doctoral student at the University of Stirling, from 2000, but then as a Research Fellow and later as a Lecturer at the University of Paisley from 2002 until her death in November 2006. At that time, she had accepted a new post at Liverpool John Moores University which she was due to take up from January 2007. She served on the SERA Executive Committee, representing the University of Paisley, during 2004/05.

Her field of research was teacher education and she was very much a comparativist. The study at Paisley was a study of ITE policy and practice in Scotland and England. During her research career she had made many friends and had established a strong network of contacts in Scotland the UK, France, Europe, as well as in the USA and the antipodes.

She was a member of the Editorial Board of Scottish Educational Review and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Education for Teaching. She was well known within the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET).

In 2007, in recognition of Estelle’s outstanding contribution to educational research in Scotland, SERA created an annual award in her memory. Submissions are now invited for the 2024 award.