Who are we?
The SERA Early Years is network is forum for promoting professional development alongside best practice for the Early Learning and Childcare profession in Scotland. We focus on the interdisciplinary aims of education, health and social care for early education and childhood studies, as well as concerns of social justice and tackling poverty by encouraging innovation within ELC research. We also aim to sustain and forge new links with policymakers, practitioners and the public.
The members of this network are committed to expanding research-informed practice by building international partnerships: network members have established partnerships in Spain, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. Members are currently involved/working within the SSSC, the Scottish Government, Early Years Scotland and third sector organisations. The network recognises the need to involve current students, as well as graduates working within the early education field, to learn more about the impact of sector developments on children’s outcomes, as well as promoting and critiquing practitioner research.
All with an interest in ELC are welcome to events, including those working within relevant policy and working in practice. All ELC staff, as well as all students, including undergraduate and postgraduates are welcome. Those undertaking independent research in settings are particularly encouraged to attend.
- Emeritus Professor Aline-Wendy Dunlop, University of Strathclyde. a.w.a.dunlop@strath.ac.uk @AlineDunlop
- Liz Latto – PhD Student, University of Edinburgh liz.latto@ed.ac.uk @Liz_latto
- Kirsten Moore, Glasgow City Council. Kirsten.Moore@glasgow.gov.uk
- Marion Burns, HMI Education Scotland. cotton.moose@googlemail.com
- Conny Gollek, University of the West of Scotland. conny.gollek@uws.ac.uk @conny_mvf
- Lynsey Burke, University of Dundee. LBurke001@dundee.ac.uk @laburke_1
- Amy Mcfarlane, University of Aberdeen. amy.mcfarlane@abdn.ac.uk @AmyAbdn
- Julie Ovington, University of the West of Scotland. julie.ovington@uws.ac.uk @Julie__Ovington
Past Events
January: SERA EYN met and responded to the Draft Quality Shared Framework
April: Liz Latto and Laura Gilbertson – “Scottish Early Years Doctoral Scholar Symposium”
August: Jan Wilhelm Dieckmann and Mareike Pfeiffer – “Play and Learning in the Transition to School and Beyond”
October: Alex Evans and James Bowness – “An Evaluation of the Expansions of Funded ELC” West Partnership Report
November: Shared Inspection Framework Conversation
If you would like to share ideas, please email us: sera.early.years@gmail.com
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