Aileen Kennedy – Keynote Abstract for #seraconf19

A story of transforming teacher education Aileen Kennedy: Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh Abstract The pursuit of reform in teacher education is currently a global preoccupation, driven by a meta-narrative that behoves us to improve teacher education in order to enhance our country’s economic standing and success on the global

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NECE Conference on in Glasgow in October

Our colleagues from NECE – Networking European Citizenship Education are hosting their annual conference in Glasgow this month. The conference is entitled Confronting Inequality-The Role of Citizenship in Education. The NECE 2019 conference aims to explore the issue of inequalities in the development of young people’s citizenship and political identity. NECE 2019 will provide a

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Derek Robertson – Keynote Abstract for #seraconf19

The promise of digital technology as a transformation agent in education: a promise met or missed? Derek Robertson: School of Education and Social Work, University of Dundee Abstract The past two decades have seen the rise of digital tools and spaces to the extent that their ubiquitous presence permeates many aspects of what happens in

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SERA PE Network Guest Speaker: Dr. Luis M. García López

Dr. Luis M. García López from the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Spain will be delivering a presentation on his recent research with primary and secondary teachers related to the application of the sport education model. Dr. López’s research interests are oriented towards model-based practice, especially those pedagogical models which are focused on moral development

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Meg Maguire – Keynote Abstract for #seraconf19

Doing things Differently: creative visions for trying to do socially just educational research Meg Maguire, Centre for Public Policy Studies, King’s College London Abstract In this presentation I want to think about a set of issues involved in trying to do creative, inclusive and socially just education research. I will draw on two education research

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WERA 2020 Focal Meeting: Call for submissions

The Call for Submissions for the World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting to be held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain from 1 to 3 July 2020 is now open. WERA is an association of major national, regional, and specialty education research associations dedicated to  sharing scholarship, developing networks, and mutually supporting capacity building. The

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The Scottish Learning Festival 2019

Registration is now open for the Scottish Learning Festival  that takes place in Glasgow on the 25th and 26th September 2019 The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is the annual conference and exhibition for educational practitioners across Scotland and is completely free to attend. Organised by Education Scotland, SLF is the biggest professional learning event for

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SERA Emerging Research Students Network: workshop event

The  University of Aberdeen’s School of Education hosted a day event on the 28th May organised by PhD student representatives from the SERA Research Students Group. The event targeted PhD students and early career researchers from across Scottish universities, aiming to enhance the research skills and knowledge of the participants. The one-day event was arranged

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Contact SERA

SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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