ScotPERN at the SERA Conference 2018

The Scottish Physical Education and Research Network (ScotPERN) is a SERA network that provides a forum to support dissemination of research in PE and HWB by connecting all key stakeholders who have an interest in in these fields both within and beyond the Scottish context. It aims provide a forum to discuss and debate current

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Aliyah Kuzhabekova at the SERA Conference 2018

Associate Professor Aliya Kuzhabekova from Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education in Astana, Kazakhstan talks about her poster presentation entitled Research Capacity and Re-adjustment of Ph.D Holders from Kazakhstan at #seraconf18 at the University of Glasgow, School of Education.

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SERA Conference 2018: a preview…

Professor Stephen McKinney from the University of Glasgow took time out at our last SERA Executive meeting to offer a preview of what delegates can look forward to at this week’s event. We are looking forward to welcoming all keynote speakers, presenters and delegates to what we are sure will be an excellent conference. If

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Proposed PE network activities for 2019

The Scottish Physical Education Network are looking at their activities for 2019 and are currently proposing that this is what it will do: January 2019 – ScotPERN & PERF joint seminar at University of Edinburgh speaker and date TBC. January 2019 – Launch of ERASMUS+ KA2 project: Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education. This project

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Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

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