SERA Teacher Education Network – launch event

Title: Launching the SERA Teacher Education Network Date: Monday 17th May 2021 Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Location: Online Zoom seminar Organisers: Teacher Education Network Speakers: Professor Jean Murray University of East London Book Launch: Teacher Preparation in Scotland Who is this online seminar for: Researchers, education practitioners and any other stakeholders with an interest in

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SERA Connects: Creative Wellbeing: the role of the arts in promoting health and wellbeing and lifelong learning

Title: Creative Wellbeing: the role of the arts in promoting health and wellbeing and lifelong learning Date: 26th April, 2021 Time: 18:30 – 19:30 Location: Online Zoom seminar Speakers: Dr Brianna Robertson- Kirkland, Dr Bethany Whiteside, Dr Rachel Drury, Dr Angela Jaap (Chair) Who is this online seminar for:  Teachers, school leaders, local authority staff,

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SERA Connects: Pedagogy in practice – Attitudes and understanding in data-informed decision-making

Title: Pedagogy in practice – Attitudes and understanding in data-informed decision-making. Date: 25th March Time: 16:30 – 17:30 Location: Online Zoom seminar Organisers:  Scottish Council of Deans of Education Scottish Attainment Challenge Project Speakers: Dr Stephen Day, University of the West of Scotland; Professor Jim Scott and Derek Robertson, University of Dundee; Mark Lindley-Highfield, University

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Poverty and Education Network event: Highlighting recent research into poverty and education – session 2

Highlighting Recent Research into Poverty and Education The SERA Poverty and Education Network is presenting resents two events that highlight some of the current research being conducted by network members on the impact of poverty on education in Scotland. Both events will provide short inputs from four speakers to initiate discussion. The details of the

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Poverty and Education Network event: Highlighting recent research into poverty and education

Poverty and Education Network event: Highlighting recent research into poverty and education The SERA Poverty and Education Network Presents two events that highlight some of the current research being conducted by network members on the impact of poverty on education in Scotland. Both events will provide short inputs from four speakers to initiate discussion. Date:

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SERA Connects: Racism and Wellbeing in the Early Years, hosted by the SERA Early Years network

The focus for this session is ‘Racism and Wellbeing in the Early Years‘ with guest speakers Liz Pemberton and Jamel Campbell. This event takes place online on Wednesday 24 Feb 2021, 4-5pm. Register by using this link on Eventbrite. Presentation info: This presentation will consider how the impact of living through the pandemic of COVID-19 and racism has

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The Scottish context: physical education within the Health and Wellbeing curriculum – webinar

Webinar: The Scottish context: physical education within the Health and Wellbeing curriculum. Thursday 4th February 2021, 4pm-5:30pm You are invited to attend a unique professional learning event that crosses the national boundary between Scotland and Wales. In 2010, a new curriculum was introduced in Scotland, the Curriculum for Excellence, offering new opportunities for PE with

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Contact SERA

SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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