SERA Online 2020 speakers: Professor Dominic Wyse

Title of talk/provocation: The Framing of Education Dr Dominic Wyse, Professor of Early Childhood and Primary Education. UCL Institute of Education. Founding Director Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy (0-11 years) (HHCP). President of the British Educational Research Association (BERA). Biography Dominic Wyse is Professor of Early Childhood and Primary Education at University College London (UCL),

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SERA Online 2020 speakers: Professor Pamela Munn

Title of talk/provocation: Should researchers get actively involved in policy making? Lessons from the National Debate Professor Pamela Munn, University of Edinburgh Biography I was Professor of Curriculum Research from 1994 at the then Moray House Institute of Education and Dean of the Moray House School of Education 2002-2007. I taught history in London schools

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SERA Online 2020 speakers: Dr Ben Williamson

Title of talk/provocation: Decoding policy bodies Dr Ben Williamson, University of Edinburgh Biography Ben Williamson is a Chancellor’s Fellow in the Centre for Research in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh. His research focuses on education policy and digital technology, particularly the role of big data, algorithms, analytics and AI in processes and techniques

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Call for papers: workshop on Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994) – Education for a Free Society

The University of Strathclyde is currently inviting abstracts up to 500 words for presentations (ca.30-45min) discussing Paul Feyerabend with regard to educational thinking. The organisers will invite a number of presenters to contribute to an edited collection of essays on Feyerabend and education, which is planned for publication in 2024 to celebrate Feyerabend’s centennial birthday.

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SERA Connects: Theory and Philosophy Network Event

SERA Connects: Theory and Philosophy Network Event Date and time: Thursday 3rd September, 5.00pm-6.00pm Presenter: A seminar hosted by Philip Tonner (University of Glasgow) and David Lewin (University of Strathclyde) Who is this online seminar for: This seminar will be of interest to teachers, researchers and other key stakeholders interested in finding out more about this new

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SERA Connects and EERA Network 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy

SERA Connects and EERA Network 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy Although we cannot meet in person for the ECER conference this year, to mark that Glasgow would have been hosting the conference, the Scottish Physical Education Network (ScotPERN) are linking with EERA Network 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy to hold an online symposium.   Date:

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SERA Connects: In conversation with Walter Humes

SERA Connects: In conversation with Walter Humes Date and time: Thursday 23rd July, 4.00pm-5.00pm Presenter: A seminar hosted by Prof. Walter Humes (University of Stirling) Who is this online seminar for: This seminar will be of interest to teachers, researchers and other key stakeholders interested in teacher education, policy studies, curriculum reform, educational leadership and history of

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Inclusive Education Network launch event update

The launch event for the SERA Inclusive Education Network took place online on Tuesday 30 June 2020. The aim of this network is to provide professional development and knowledge exchange opportunities for researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders in Scottish education. Dr Margaret Sutherland and Dr George Head, University of Glasgow, led an interesting conversation

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SERA Connects – Moving in, moving on, moving up: Transitions in the early years

Date and time: Thursday 30th July 2020, 4:00pm – 5:00pm Presenters: A seminar hosted by Marion Burns (HMI, Education Scotland),  Aline-Wendy Dunlop, Emeritus Professor, (University of Strathclyde) and Kathleen Johnston, Quality improvement Manager, (Northern Alliance). Who is this online seminar for: This seminar will be of interest to teachers, researchers and other key stakeholders interested in

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SERA Connects on YouTube

To further support the sharing of the professional dialogue in our #seraconnects events we have set up a YouTube channel so that all our events can be viewed again, or for the first time. You can either bookmark the SERA YouTube channel or visit the SERA Connects page on our website to view all our

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Contact SERA

SERA can be contacted as follows:

Charlaine Simpson – SERA Academic Secretary

For general SERA queries make contact via this link.

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